Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gangster living

In South Africa gangsterism is extremely rife and problematic, particularly in the Western Cape. It affects families as well as whole communities. Men, women and children have – knowingly and unknowingly – become entangled with gangsters. It has caused both physical and mental scars. Countless others have lost their lives, usually in a brutal manner. It's never easy to leave a gang, many who have tried to get out, have either been hunted and killed, or are now fugitives. They live in fear, since for many gangs staying true to your gang members is most important. South African prisons are full of men, women and youths who have committed severe crimes as part of a gang.

Lost boyz - USA  (Photos by Stuart Isett) is a reportage on Cambodian refugees living in the USA. Stuart Isett has documented the lives of young Cambodian men in the United States for 15 years.

For more visit: Lost Boyz

This is something which many of us have accepted as just something that happens. Gangs will always be there, right? It all starts with poverty and boredom, in my opinion.  Next is a look at some of the choices teenagers, who live in some of the toughest neigbourhoods in Trinidad & Tobago, make while growing up. I love the way this last video shows us how we can find solutions to problems like gangsterism, for example through sport.

Streets & Sports: A Trinidad Teen from Glen Milner on Vimeo.

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