Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The rise of labiaplasty

Why do women want to do this? It's not meant to be a gorgeous part of your body. Has porn ruined our labia's for ourselves? I must say, I cannot imagine EVER doing (or caring) about anything close to this.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fat pig?

Kate Upton Responds To 'Fat Pig' Comments by revnewmedia Model Kate Upton was recently called a Fat Pig by pro-Skinny blogs.WTF? I think not. Here she responds to the comments. I'm sorry, but anyone in their right mind will say that she is gorgeous.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Advanced Style film trailer

I love the Advanced Style blog and the women featured in it. I can't wait to see this film. I find these women so inspiring and hope to be as fabulous as them one day.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Anorexic male model

Body politics usually relate to women. Because of this focus, the issues men have with their bodies are usually not taken into consideration. Most men also have issues with their bodies and feel the pressure to look good. Some even take it to the extreme... 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Iwahig: A Prison Without Walls

I find this place so fascinating. A prison that basically runs itself? Or is it more like a mini-community that has now become a family? We so often believe that those who have done wrong in the eyes of the law cannot govern themselves. They have lost that right. This prison system shows otherwise:

Getty Reportage reports: 

"Iwahig Prison And Penal Farm lies within over 45,000-hectares of land on the island of Palawan in the Philippines. The remarkable thing about this prison is that there are no walls to contain the prisoners and barely a fence to mark its boundary. Given its low security, escape attempts are relatively rare. This may be due to the fact that the inmates are allowed to govern and police themselves to a large extent, but also because many of the inmate’s family’s choose to live at the prison too; giving up jobs and houses and moving the entire family to be near their loved one. As well as the relative freedom of this open prison, inmates are given the opportunity to retrain and can opt to learn a trade within the colony. From farming and fishing, through to forestry, and carpentry. This allows the government to recoup the money spent on the prisoner’s upkeep. Once the government has deducted the monies owed to it, the remaining money goes back to the inmate and their family."

Photos by Giulio Di Stirco

Monday, July 2, 2012

Girl Model (Documentary)

A brilliant look at the modelling industry. The documentary looks at the challenges that young Russian models face ever day.